Select patient
NHI: {{selectedPatient.identifier[0].value}} Gender: {{selectedPatient.gender}} BirthDate: {{selectedPatient.birthDate}}
This app will allow you to create a Structured Pathology request form and submit it to the FHIR server. As it does, it will create a ServiceRequest resource that the recipient Laboratory can use to retrieve the request details prior to generating a report.

Select the patient from the dropdown above. After that, a new request can be created.

Select the template from the dropdown below, enter the data then Send the request

The Technical functions are intended for informaticians & implementers.

The request has been successfully saved on the CanShare server. Details of the resources created are show in the details tab.
{{oo | json}}
There was an error sending the request, and it has not been saved. Details of the error are available in the details tab.
{{oo | json}}

{{ | json}}


{{concept.code}} {{concept.system}} {{concept.display}}
{{expandedVS | json}}
{{selectedTemplate | json}}
Questionnaire definitionQuestionnaireResponse Answer
Section: {{sumry.section}}
LinkId: {{sumry.linkId}}
{{sumry.qItem | json}}
{{sumry.answer | json}}
{{QR | json}}
Defining Questionnaire item
{{ | json}}
QuestionnaireResponse item
{{ | json}}
{{QRValidationResult | json}}
Key (LinkId)Answer
{{v | json}}
{{hashItem[k] | json}}
Items that have a .code and an answer. Able to be pre-pop sources for the lab forms

System|CodeSection, Text & Value
This will send the bundle containing the QuestionnaireResponse and supporting resources to the custom operation, and create the additional resources that would be sent to the FHIR server when the form is submitted. These include:
  • Resources extracted from the QR (as defined in the Q)
  • A Provenance resource that links the extracted resources back to the QR. This indicates where the resources were derived from, and supports updating (if needed)
The data is not actually submitted, so it's safe to do this any number of times.
{{selectedResourceFromGraph | json}}
{{input.selectedExtractResource | json}}
{{testExtractionResult | json}}
Validation result {{extractionValidationErrorCount}}
This is the bundle of resources that are sent to the custom operation which will save the data in the FHIR server - provided it passes validation of course. You can validate the bundle using the 'Validate' tab below.
{{input.selectedBundleEntry | json}}
list of entries - list on left, json on right
{{bundle | json}}